Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 18 - My Biggest Insecurity

It took me a while to think of one. In fact, I even had to look up the definition of what it means to be insecure. I have friends that are insecure about their bodies. They think they need their boobs lifted, tummies tucked, their hair & veins lasered, their wrinkles botoxed. For me, I just don't obsess about those things. I want to live in the moment, at a deeper level. I want to focus on what's important, bless the people around me... and sometimes that means that I am going to forego the housework in order to spend time with my kids or go for a walk in the sunshine. So my biggest insecurity is disorganization. I really feel vulnerable when I'm caught red-handed with a messy house! I get so ashamed when I screw up schedules and appear disorganized to others.

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